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Could you read the post at the end of this message? 

Per my post, I am looking for the information rather than sharing them! Why ? I dont have them so I am still searching for more than few weeks. Could everyone please help?

以下是引用super001在2009-12-11 7:58:00的发言:

Thanks for your sharing.
I am looking for the following information. Could you please provide/ share the following information if you have:
1) CFA Schweser Level 2 -Book 5 for 2010
2) CFA Schweser Level 2 -Video and the Video book volume 1 &2 for 2010
3) CFA SChweser mock exam book 1 and 2 for 2010 (NB Book 2 is not available, is it true ? )
4) CFA Schweser secrete sources for 2010
5) CFA Schweser practical questions

[此贴子已经被作者于2010-1-26 18:14:20编辑过]

