8、As an investor continues to move upward on the efficient frontier, which of the following best describes the changes in the: slope of the efficient frontier? incremental return per unit of incremental risk? A. Increase Increase B. Increase Decrease C. Decrease Increase D. Decrease Decrease A. Answer A B. Answer B C. Answer C D. Answer D 答案如下: 8、Correct answer is D "An Introduction to Portfolio Management," Frank K. Reilly and Keith C. Brown 2008 Modular Level I, Vol. 4, pp. 247-249 Study Session 12-50-f describe the efficient frontier and explain the implications for incremental returns as an investor assumes more risk The efficient frontier is curved. As an investor moves up the curve, risk increases and the slope decreases. The decreasing slope means that adding equal increments of risk provide diminishing increments of return.
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