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Studied LII only 2 weeks before the exam!!!

That's exactly what I did and actually knew +70% of the exam. Studying was very intense but that's my style and always ace exams. I'm not a genius but like a mutant of sorts, learn very quickly and retain alot of information under intense pressure. By the way, it was my first attempt and passed L1 in Dec 2010. However, in my dreams I'm in Band 6! It will be a miracle if I pass...a black swan event!!! I'll keep you posted!!!

I Broke the Bank of England!!!

You are good when you know what you know, and know what you dont know.

It's dangerous when you don't know what you don't know.


yeah, i had a buddy who didn't study at all and he's just such a bright guy that the CFA institute let him write all 3 exams concurrently. He was training for this mountain climbing expedition up everest. Didn't really leave much study time since the climb was literally like 5 days before the exam. Then of course he had to celebrate by going on a huge coke/booze bender, which lasted until about the exam. He showed up like 2 seconds before the doors closed and managed to take his seat. He said it went awesome, except for the fact that he kept having to go to the bathroom to throw up (still wasted from all the boozin). It mostly overlapped with the stuff he learned in his MBA at Yale, so he was fine. Real good guy, he's nailing Jessica Simpson and Scarlett Johansen at the moment, but sooner or later i think he's gonna have to pick one... good guy, you'd like him i think. He's a derivatives portfolio manager at GS.


magicskyfairy Wrote:
> yeah, i had a buddy who didn't study at all and
> he's just such a bright guy that the CFA institute
> let him write all 3 exams concurrently. He was
> training for this mountain climbing expedition up
> everest. Didn't really leave much study time since
> the climb was literally like 5 days before the
> exam. Then of course he had to celebrate by going
> on a huge coke/booze bender, which lasted until
> about the exam. He showed up like 2 seconds before
> the doors closed and managed to take his seat. He
> said it went awesome, except for the fact that he
> kept having to go to the bathroom to throw up
> (still wasted from all the boozin). It mostly
> overlapped with the stuff he learned in his MBA at
> Yale, so he was fine. Real good guy, he's nailing
> Jessica Simpson and Scarlett Johansen at the
> moment, but sooner or later i think he's gonna
> have to pick one... good guy, you'd like him i
> think. He's a derivatives portfolio manager at GS.


Excellent! Can you please connect us on linkedin?


mr_moose Wrote:
> i dunno what the big deal is anyways, its just a
> coupe of circle the correct answer questions. the
> best thing about level 2 is there are less of them
> than there is on level 1! people have seemed to
> forgotten that level 2 only has 120 questions
> versus the 240 in level 1. im pretty sure anyone
> can pass this exam, with minimal effort, you just
> need to stay positive. i suggest you find your Qi
> energy, which is your lifeforce energy. you can
> get more of it you do yoga on a regular basis. I
> dont believe cramming like crazy during the last
> month does help whatsoever, that why i opted for
> doing yoga atleast 10 hours a day everyday during
> that last month. Do smile alot also. its been
> scientifically proven that if you smile and laugh,
> your probability of passing the CFA level 2 exam
> drastically increases.


And eat alot of fish!!!


Douche bag alert!


> yeah, i had a buddy who didn't study at all and
> he's just such a bright guy that the CFA institute
> let him write all 3 exams concurrently. He was
> training for this mountain climbing expedition up
> everest. Didn't really leave much study time since
> the climb was literally like 5 days before the
> exam. Then of course he had to celebrate by going
> on a huge coke/booze bender, which lasted until
> about the exam. He showed up like 2 seconds before
> the doors closed and managed to take his seat. He
> said it went awesome, except for the fact that he
> kept having to go to the bathroom to throw up
> (still wasted from all the boozin). It mostly
> overlapped with the stuff he learned in his MBA at
> Yale, so he was fine. Real good guy, he's nailing
> Jessica Simpson and Scarlett Johansen at the
> moment, but sooner or later i think he's gonna
> have to pick one... good guy, you'd like him i
> think. He's a derivatives portfolio manager at GS.


If you think hiring a professional is expensive...
wait until you've hired an amateur.


This sounds like that guy Bleron


This thread should be killed.


iteracom Wrote:
> This thread should be killed.


Mr Executioner, you think I am joking about studying in 2 weeks. I'm not and I am as anxious about the results as the next person. I'll keep you folks posted.

