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quiz: you are close to retirement..

Once an individual reaches the retirement stage of life, the main concern is:
A) safety of principal, with investment income being secondary.

B) reallocating financial assets to adopt a more conservative profile.

C) establishing a drawdown rate that will not result in their outliving their assets.


for people chose C, please point out where it is on notes/book?
Could not find it...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 05:39AM by hellscream.


This is in the chapter discussing human and financial capital - basically, there is no more financial capital to be earned, so therefore, establishing a drawdown rate is appropriate


Would go for B though C looks close as well.


stevenevans Wrote:
> This is in the chapter discussing human and
> financial capital - basically, there is no more
> financial capital to be earned, so therefore,
> establishing a drawdown rate is appropriate

Yes, the answer is C, and I have read the chapter.

But why B is wrong? Even if no more human capital, they can still own financial capital from their existing portfolio.


C - Longevity Risk, probably the risk individual clients in retirement fear the most.

