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Comparison with Dec 08 Exam

To those who just took Level 1 for the second time, I'm curious as to how you felt compared to previous exam (Pre Dec 08) with 4 multiple choices. Did you feel having 3 choices intead of 4 made the exam easier?

I would say it was slightly easier due to less reading time, but the questions were the same level of difficulty.


I agree about not having to read the 4th answer saving some time. As for difficulty level, it's hard to say, yes I found this exam easier, but I was so better prepared. I understand why I failed in December, I would be shocked if I didn't pass this time around.


I'd only say that it was easier this time around due to the fact that I was much better prepared.


Hmm, thanks for the input. I'm curious as to what will be the passing rate this June. Selfishly speaking I would be a bit unhappy if the passing rate got so much higher due to easier exams though, and I'm sure lots of those who took old version would feel the same as well. Robbon, you sure will pass this time, no worries.


Yea... I remember last time the PM section was tougher.

