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Schweser or CFA text - honest suggestions please?

I failed L2 and I am devastated. planning to read CFAI texts for next year. Need your honest suggestion.

I've never opened a CFAI text and I passed L1 and L2. Everyone is different and everyone has different methods of retention. Do whatever is best for how you learn. For me it is videos and tons of questions. For someone else it is reading. If you really need to read 329023902390239023490 pages, then the CFAI text is better.


Do the end of chapter questions at a minimum. There are folks that can pass without touching the CFAI materials, but why take the risk?



i used schweser for both I and II and passed both.

However, that really is just a base for all the other preparation i did which included several classes/review courses, countless questions from multiple sources and the end of the chapter questions from cfai.

long story short, for me, the cfa texts are not a good use of time when i find it much more helpful to cover the same material, albeit in less detail with schweser, and then devote a ton more time to reviewing the material, answering questions, etc.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Tuesday, July 27, 2010 at 11:49AM by jkrecords.


CFAI all the way.


I passed L2 without doing EOC questions but barely. I will definitely be doing EOC for L3.


themangoman Wrote:
> I failed L2 and I am devastated. planning to read
> CFAI texts for next year. Need your honest
> suggestion.

So you did not read CFAI text this year? That was a mistake. That is important to your success. Just think, your competition is reading it.




CFAI texts. I used them both exclusively for L1 and L2, passed both on first try. There are number of reasons to use CFAI over the others, but at the end of the day, if you are going to study - why not use the books written by the people who wrote the exam? Easy choice to me, definitely use CFAI next time.


Used CFAI text extensively to learn....relied on Schweser for review.

Thats the opposite of what I did for L1.

L2 - pass


schweser only. pass. one attempt

