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Band 4 - CFA Level 1

First when I finished the exam, I felt comfortable that I would get at least 80 questions right from 120 questions so at least if I fail I will be at Band 9 or 10.

However yesterday I've got the result and I didn't even get Band 9 or 10 but Band 4.
I am really shocked but believe that I didn't deserve to pass since I've got Band 4. One can say that you are not lucky if you get Band 9 or 10 but Band 4 - not so good.

My approach to the Dec exam was to:
- read all the schwesser and do end of chapter questions from the study guide
- do all 6 volume 1 and volume 2 Scwhesser
- do Elan practice mocks 1 and 2
- Read Elan 11th hour 2-3 weeks prior the exam.

Questions I have, If I do all these 4 steps again assuming that I understand the material back to back 100%. Will I pass? or this is simply not enough? for CFA Level 1.

Appreciate your feedback.

The exam is designed to have trick questions that would easily trip up people who don't fully understand the material deep enough


Use qbank from schweser
Do at least 2500 questions with impact on intermediate and advanced problems

Refresh everything last two weeks by video lectures from schwesser
With special impact on ethics


What were your scores on the mocks that you took?


sdada Wrote:
> What were your scores on the mocks that you took?

I was about to ask this. Lol!

Tell us your mock scores please.


The only problem with your study plan is the lack of Qbank practice questions. Your last month of preparation should be JUST Qbank and then more focus on the areas of the curriculum where you have most trouble.


Understanding is everything....

I am a humanities grad but i understand econ, derivs, fixed income etc very well. i didnt study these hard but got >70.

Equity is the section i didnt really grasp (at a roots level), i studied this the hardest and got <70%

I know lots of clever-ish people who study hard for CFA but fail, as they have a very poor general understanding of finance or economics. Reading The Economist newspaper regularly, for a while, is sufficient for getting you through the economics section i think.


if you're not getting equity in level I you'll never get it in level II...sorry, but thats truth.


wilslm Wrote:
> My approach to the Dec exam was to:
> - read all the schwesser and do end of chapter
> questions from the study guide
> - do all 6 volume 1 and volume 2 Scwhesser
> - do Elan practice mocks 1 and 2
> - Read Elan 11th hour 2-3 weeks prior the exam.

This is a pretty good formula. Maybe you just had a bad day.


builders Wrote:
> if you're not getting equity in level I you'll
> never get it in level II...sorry, but thats truth.

You think if you get <70% in L1 Equity you wont pass L2, or just wont get >70% in L2 Equity?

If the former, that's absurd. If the latter, maybe right, though i don't agree and couldn't care less should i pass - i have little interest in equity valuation.

