P216 Red Company immdiately expense its developmen costs while Black Company capitalizes ite development cost.All else equal,Red Company will?
A show smoother reported earnings than Black Company
B report higher operating cash flow than Black Company
C report higher asset turnover than Black Company
可是我很疑惑的是:asset turnover=Revenue/assets 分母是小了,可是立刻expense的,它的Revenue也小了啊,当分母分子同时小的时候,不好比较吧。我发现这一节里面,有好几个比率都是这样同时小的,我觉得都有一定的条件才好比较吧,不知道为什么能直接说它们更高 更低呢?
1、A deferred tax adjustmen is made to stockholders' equity to reflect the future tax impact of unrealized gains or losses on available-for-sale marketble securities that are taken directly to equity.No DTL is added to the balance sheet for the future tax liability when gains/losses are realized.
这段话的意思是不是说available-for-sale marketble securities有unrealized gains or losses,需要在equity项目里面进行a deferred tax adjustmen,那是不是就要有DTL或者DTA了?为什么后面来一句No DTL is added to?同求解答~
P216 Red Company immdiately expense its developmen costs while Black
Company capitalizes ite development cost.All else equal,Red Company
A show smoother reported earnings than Black Company
B report higher operating cash flow than Black Company
C report higher asset turnover than Black Company
可是我很疑惑的是:asset turnover=Revenue/assets
小的,我觉得都有一定的条件才好比较吧,不知道为什么能直接说它们更高 更低呢?
1、A deferred tax adjustmen is made to stockholders' equity to reflect
the future tax impact of unrealized gains or losses on
available-for-sale marketble securities that are taken directly to
equity.No DTL is added to the balance sheet for the future tax liability
when gains/losses are realized.
这段话的意思是不是说available-for-sale marketble securities有unrealized gains or
losses,需要在equity项目里面进行a deferred tax
adjustmen,那是不是就要有DTL或者DTA了?为什么后面来一句No DTL is added to?