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How do Bands work?

How do the Bands work? Also, if you scored between 50 and 70% on a section, does that refer to your actual score or your percentile ranking compared to peers?

Umekichi Wrote:
> They ranked all candidates who failed. The top 10%
> is "band 10", the next 10% is "band 9"... However,
> "band 10" could also means someone who marginally
> pass but failed the ethics section.
> 50-70% refers to your actual score, not percentile

So if you marginally passed but failed the ethics section they could still fail you?!


Let's rephrase "marginally passed" to "borderline".


so wat do people generally say is a good score..?? a 70??


They ranked all candidates who failed. The top 10% is "band 10", the next 10% is "band 9"... However, "band 10" could also means someone who marginally pass but failed the ethics section.

50-70% refers to your actual score, not percentile

