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Short cuts to problems

Hello All,
In the EPS section in the Income statement section, a quick way to determine if the convertible debt is dilutive is to simply calculate:
conv. debt interest (1-tax) / conv. debt shares.
If this is > basic EPS then not dilutive.

Similar short cuts must be all around the place but I simply can't seem to recollect them. I know there is one regarding a ratio in the Fixed Income/Derivatives/Alt Investments section. Something where a simply addition would give an answer of (say) 3 while the "proper" procedure would give 2.999. Anybody know what I am talking about?
Things like these are great time savers.
Could you please share similar things that you came across?

Does anyone know which one Prodigal is talking about?


Forward to spot rate conversions in FI.


Thanks evol,
Guess that topic need to be revisited.


Whether the securities are dilutive or antidilutive before actually calculating diluted EPS:

conv debt:

[interest payment on conv debt * (1 - tax rate) / convertible debt number of shares] < basic EPS => dilutive security

[interest payment on conv debt * (1 - tax rate) / convertible debt number of shares] > basic EPS => antidilutive security

conv preferred stock:

[dividend on preferred stock / number of shares created if converted] < basic EPS => dilutive security

[dividend on preferred stock / number of shares created if converted] > basic EPS => antidilutive security

