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Hello everybody, this is my first post in AF, even though I’m following the discussion for some time now. After the release of yesterdays level 2 results, however, I’m totally shocked and perplexed: Band 7 fail like last year. I invested so many hours for preparation, and gained virtually no improvement compared to last year - it’s devastating. I’m willing to take another shot, but I’m not sure what to make different next time. In the following a quick summary of my CFA history, maybe you have an idea what to make different.
CFA Level 1 in December 2011, preparation: Read CFAI books once, made own flashcards, did mainly EOCs (2 or 3 times), took month off prior the exam (fulltime preparation), where i did about 4-5 mocks and some sample exams & learning summary & more questions –> Exam: Pass.
CFA Level 2 in June 2012, preparation: Started in Feb, read CFAI books once, due to lack of time made no own flashcards and based summary on Schweser Secret Sauce and own notes, did EOCs (2 times), started fulltime preparation in May with learning, doing questions, about 5 mocks (never crossed 70 mark) and sample exams. –> Exam: Band 7 fail (<50 Derivaties, Econ ; >70 QM)
CFA Level 2 retake in June 2013, preparation: Started end of December, made EOCs (3 times), did (~40% of) QBank questions and watched the Schweser movies (focus on Ethics, AltInv, Econ, FSA), revised own summary, again May fulltime study (May-alone 250 hours!), did 15 (schweser, stalla, CFAI) mocks (omg >_<, crossed 70 mark in 11 even of them, should have passed 14) –> Exam: Band 7 fail (<50 Ethics, PM, QM; >70 CF)
Especially the last item make make me think a lot. How can you do 15 mocks, virtually passing almost all of them and fail that miserably in the real exam? How is that possible?
I’m totally in shock right now. Of course you can do and learn more next time (e.g. BBs), but I’m not sure, whether my problem lies on that field.
The simple recipes (e.g. EOCs+schweser+mocks=pass) found here on AF seem not to work out for me. Any hints or suggestions are highly appreciated! Please help me!
