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Anyway to Sign up without a Current Passport?

My U.S. Passport is scheduled to expire in January 2014 and I’m planning on a trip out of the country in the next month or so and was planning on renewing it after that.  In the meantime, I would like to sign up for level 3 to gain access to the material, list myself as a level 3 candidate, etc.   Is there any way to get around this?

you can register with your current passport
and later update the passport last 4 digits before you print your exam ticket.


I had this problem with L2. You can register with your current passport, what happens is CFAI tells you that your passport will be expiring as you are signing up.
Once you get your new passport number, you have to file a change of ID form with CFAI 1 month before exam time (obviously the sooner, the better). You have to email a signed copy of that together with a scan of your new passport.


Thanks Guys
I’ll try again, I got a warning saying I needed a current passport to sign up, but it may just let me keep going.


FYI I got it to work, just had to click past the warning.  Thanks Again everone.


I have the same situation, passport expires in January. No problem to register, just accept the warning, don’t forget to renew the passport and make sure to update your passport data with CFA. Complete this at least a month or two before the exam.


I didn’t update mine until I printed out my ticket 4 days before the exam. I just about lost my f*cking mind when I realized it was old.
Thankfully the CFA plans for this and have people ready to fix it the week before the exam hits.


They have always been very good about this from my experience.  I changed mine very easily.  I also tend to change my test centres at the last minute and they are usually good about that too.


上一主题:How to pass Level 3
下一主题:Can you still get a Band 10 fail for level 1 with *70% in et