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[此贴子已经被作者于2011-6-7 8:18:38编辑过]


以下是引用watergood在2011-6-7 0:25:00的发言:

布林线那题是下午的题目,比较*前的地方吧。说的是布林指标是以什么因素的标准差为基准计算的吧,我记得三个选项A.price B.volume C.return,纠结了半天,选了volume,回来百度一查,发现是以股价的标准差,晕菜了。




美国国债发行那题是auction的single price,这个在11年的课本里有,回来以后查过了


 对,应该是某个平均价为基准,然后上下几个standard deviation away


L1 Mock Morning Section 67题求助

嗯,我觉得ls的mm说得有道理,应该只是他的主观判断而已,而且他也说他给出建议的依据是the most difficult part,并非是由考试而来的。我当时比较关注和考试的联系,没有注意到because后面的说明


以下是引用random_walk在2011-6-7 0:55:00的发言:

其他几个我都表示一致,但是第一题,让我纠结的原因是,那人的朋友没有透露具体内容,只是说考试难。而那人说的是,we should focus on fixed income, because I think it's the most difficult part。我就在想,这是那人的建议,并没有透露什么。谁知道他朋友跟他泄露了什么啊。﹣﹣不知大家是怎么理解的

我跟你的理解一致,因为我觉得他朋友就说难,而要复习什么什么的是这个人自己觉得的,并没有基于他朋友说的内容,所以我也选了没有violate~~还有问一下第三题是不是出现在下午试题很kao前的地方啊??  额 竟然把kao给屏蔽了

[此贴子已经被作者于2011-6-7 2:21:57编辑过]


L1 Mock Morning Section 67题求助

我选了maturity stage,因为其中说的特征是high barries,因为虽然shakeout stage和maturity都是slow growth,但是只有maturity是high barries


 还有一道maturity stage 还是shakeout stage的,早上的,大家觉得答案是什么啊?


L1 Mock Morning Section 67题求助



Example 4 (Sharing Exam Content): After completing Level II of the CFA
Exam, Annabelle Rossi writes in her blog about her experience. She posts
the following: “Level II is complete! I think I did fairly well on the exam. It
was really difficult, but fair. I think I did especially well on the derivatives
questions. And there were tons of them! I think I counted 18! The ethics
questions were really hard. I’m glad I spent so much time on the Code and
Standards. I was surprised to see there were no questions at all about IPO
allocations. I expected there to be a couple. Well, off to celebrate getting
through it. See you tonight?”
Comment : Rossi did not violate Standard VII(A) when she wrote about
how difficult she found the exam or how well she thinks she may have
done. By revealing portions of the CBOK covered on the exam and
areas not covered, however, she did violate Standard VII(A) and the
Candidate Pledge. Depending on the time frame in which the com-
ments were posted, Rossi not only may have assisted future candidates
but also may have provided an unfair advantage to candidates sitting
for the same exam, thereby undermining the integrity and validity of
the Level II exam.




Four methods have been used by central goverments to distribute new bonds that they issue:1)regular auction cycle/multiple-price method 2)regular auction cycle/single-price method 3)ad hoc aution method and 4)tap method


With the regular auction cycle/multiple-price method, there is a regular auction cycle, and winning bidders are awarded securities at the yield they bid. For the regular auction cycle/single-price method, there is a regular auction cycle, and all winning bidders are awarded securities at the highest yield accepted by the government. For example, if the highest yield for a single-price auction is 7.14% and someone bid 7.12% that bidder would be awarded the securities at 7.14%. In contrast, with a multiple-price auction that bidder would be awarded securities at 7.12%. U.S government bonds are currently issued using  regular auction cycle/single-price method.

[此贴子已经被作者于2011-6-7 2:15:30编辑过]


以下是引用watergood在2011-6-6 23:31:00的发言:

1. 一个人在网上发帖,说他朋友觉得CFA考试很难,然后说I think we should focus on Fixed income....


2. 老板拿到material nonpublic information,让职工去操作,但是职工不知道老板信息来源,


3. complaince with GIPS is claimed as.... A.忘记了(我貌似选了这个)B。什么consult  ..好像是说选一个合适的manager C。关键词software...

--这题选投资公司那个,反正consult和software那两个都不是,因为GIPS对公司firm的定义就是The FIRM MUST be defined as an investment FIRM, subsidiary, or division held out to clients or potential clients as a DISTINCT BUSINESS ENTITY.

4. 好像是问GIPS的objective,有两个选项我比较纠结,一个是fair and consistent presentation,还有一个是fair competition。

--这题不确定,选了fair competition

其他几个我都表示一致,但是第一题,让我纠结的原因是,那人的朋友没有透露具体内容,只是说考试难。而那人说的是,we should focus on fixed income, because I think it's the most difficult part。我就在想,这是那人的建议,并没有透露什么。谁知道他朋友跟他泄露了什么啊。﹣﹣不知大家是怎么理解的


以下是引用random_walk在2011-6-6 22:10:00的发言:


note上我也没读过, 但官方教材是有的, 可是我没看过...

另外楼上说的美国发债auction如果是single price, 那就跟我大学fixed income securities读的不同
那门课说美国发债auction有两种, 包括competitive和noncompetitive
前一种是给大型投资机构, 由出价最高者开始分配下去
后一种是给小投资者, 定价为大型投资机构的weighted average


上一主题:CFA, Princeton MFin or MIT MFin which way to go for Risks ca