The option-free bond price tree is as follows:
100.00 |
A → 98.89 |
98.67 |
100.00 |
99.56 |
100.00 |
As an example, the price at node A is obtained as follows:
PriceA = (prob × (Pup + (coupon / 2)) + prob × (Pdown + (coupon / 2)) / (1 + (rate / 2)) = (0.5 × (100 + 2.5) + 0.5 × (100 + 2.5) / (1 + (0.0730 / 2)) = 98.89. The bond values at the other nodes are obtained in the same way.
The calculation for node 0 or time 0 is> >
0.5[(98.89 + 2.5) / (1+ 0.062 / 2) + (99.56 + 2.5) / (1 + 0.062 / 2)] => >
0.5(98.3414 + 98.9913) = 98.6663> >