I've edited on that original post and below is a detailed clarification. hope that helps.
True active return= Manager's return - normal portfolio return
Misfit active return = normal portforlio return - Benchmark return
数字题目都给出了,Benchmark return对于三个manager来说是固定的,好像是要算第三列的加权平均值得出。Manager and normal portfolio return 都是根据每一行变化的,记得第一列好像是manager return,第二列是normal portfolio return。把每个manager对应的两个值相减分别算出,忘了是选哪个manager。
这个计算关系到两道题,one question is about misfit return, the other is about true active return.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-12 14:08:58编辑过] |