2 cents on GIPS Firm Definition:
Quotes from Curriculum:
V6 page 242: If a unit of a larger company specializes in providing investment management services to private cliients, and is marketed as a specialist in meeting the investment needs of high net worth individuals and family officers, then that organizational unit might qualify as a "firm" for the purpose of GIPS compliance. Certainly, however, the unit's entitlement to be considered a firm under the GIPS standards could be justified IF IT ADDITIONALLY WERE INCORPORATED AS A SUBSIDIARY and had its own dedicated financial analysts, portfolio managers, and traders located in a separate building or area of the company and reoporting through a separate chain of command to the parent organization's senior management.
V6 page 243 If the two divisions were organizationally segregated but share the same trading desk, the institutional trust division would have to determine whether its decision-making autonomy is compromised by the trading agreement - if the traders merely fill the portfolio manager's orders, then the institutional trust division ARGUABLY REMAINS AUTONOMUS, but if the traders actively participate in the identification of misvalued securities, a greater impediment to the autonomy argument would exist.
So it appears that for that question, B, shared trading desk is NOT a violation but C, Unincorporated Subsidiary is the corret answer.
有人记得早上倒数第三题有没有credit risk?好像是日元和加元汇率。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-15 17:22:51编辑过] |