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Reading 62: LOS d ~ Q1- 4

1.The credit risk in a forward contract is:

A)   directly related to the contract value.

B)   only an issue for the long.

C)   not important in T-bill forwards.

D)   positively related to the term of the contract.

2.The best measure of the amount of credit risk exposure for a forward contract, at a point in time, is the:

A)   notional amount of the contract.

B)   margin deposit.

C)   liabilities of the counterparty.

D)   value of the contract.

3.Credit risk to the long (position) in a forward contract will increase over the life of the contract due to all of the following EXCEPT the:

A)   short party has deteriorating finances.

B)   settlement date is getting closer.

C)   contract value to the short is negative and decreasing.

D)   value of the underlying asset is above the contract price and increasing.

4.Over the life of a forward contract, the amount of credit risk is least likely to:

A)   stay the same.

B)   increase.

C)   decrease.

D)   change signs.





走进了人生,便走进了牵挂,牵挂是美丽的,也是痛苦的;牵挂是春天美丽动人的鲜花;牵挂是夏日阵阵清凉的微风;牵挂是秋外景婚纱摄影天满园累累的果实;牵挂是冬夜悄然飘舞的雪花牵挂是一杯愈久愈香的琼浆玉液,牵挂是一朵萦思绕怀的五彩祥云,醉了两人的心扉,绽放了两朵心花牵挂是夜夜珠泪枕上落的悲;牵挂是停杯投箸不能食的蠢;牵挂是冷雨敲窗不成眠的呆;牵挂是菱花镜里形容瘦的痴;牵挂是望最新结婚照穿秋水不思归的愚;牵挂是是衣带渐宽终不悔的傻。牵挂是人之间最珍贵的情感,牵挂是慷慨的给予和无私的奉献,牵挂是深深的祝福与默默的祈祷,它不近功利、不含虚假;牵挂是一种情感的交织;牵挂是一种心灵的维系;牵挂是一份浓郁的思念。牵挂一个人,你会忆起昔上海婚纱摄影网日彼此相处时的温馨;忆起与之挽臂徜徉、同歌轻唱的快乐;忆起寂寞时她悉心的陪伴;忆起痛苦时她耐心的开导;牵挂一个人,你会忆起失意时她温暖的话语;忆起伴嘴后她悔痛的内疚;忆起她哭泣时你的失措惊惶;忆起你任性时她的大度宽容;忆起你烦心时她幽默的笑话;忆起你调皮时她甜甜的笑声。牵挂一个人,你会为其乐而乐,为其忧而忧,你更会从心底滋生出许多莫jelo studio名的惆怅;牵挂一个人,你会惦着她的衣食住行;你会关注她的喜怒哀乐;你会在意她的一颦一笑;你会在乎她的一举一动。牵挂一个人,你会为得不到她的消息而愁肠百结;你会为不能和她长相守而寝食不安;你会为那悠悠相思坐立不宁;你会因那缕缕的离愁黯然神伤。一份牵挂,平衡了情感天平的失重,一份牵挂,填补了内心深处的虚空,分手的时间越久,离别的距离越远,牵挂的份量越重。有了那份雅诗兰黛牵挂,孤寂跋涉的路有了,欣慰的精神伴侣,有了别人对你的牵挂,平淡无奇的岁月就多了幸福的满足和美丽的风景。一个平凡的日子,或者一段极为平淡的经历,能使牵挂感慨无限。深深的牵挂,像一根长藤延伸在人生的旅程……




1.The credit risk in a forward contract is:

A)   directly related to the contract value.

B)   only an issue for the long.

C)   not important in T-bill forwards.

D)   positively related to the term of the contract.

The correct answer was A)

The credit risk to the party with the position with the positive value (long or short) is greater, the greater the value of the forward contract at a point in time. A contract with a longer term may have a lower contract value. It is not related to the default risk of the underlying asset.

2.The best measure of the amount of credit risk exposure for a forward contract, at a point in time, is the:

A)   notional amount of the contract.

B)   margin deposit.

C)   liabilities of the counterparty.

D)   value of the contract.

The correct answer was D)

The amount of credit risk is best measured by the contract value at a point in time. This is the present value of the settlement payment, based on current market prices, interest rates, or exchange rates. The party to whom the payment would be made has the credit risk, the risk that the payment will not be made or that the asset will not be delivered/purchased at contract expiration.

3.Credit risk to the long (position) in a forward contract will increase over the life of the contract due to all of the following EXCEPT the:

A)   short party has deteriorating finances.

B)   settlement date is getting closer.

C)   contract value to the short is negative and decreasing.

D)   value of the underlying asset is above the contract price and increasing.

The correct answer was B)

Deteriorating finances of the counterparty increase the probability of default. The amount owed to the long increases as the value of the underlying asset increases, which is the same as an increase in the value of the contract. An increase in the amount ‘owed’ and an increase in the probability of default can both be viewed as increasing credit risk. By itself, the passage of time does not necessarily increase credit risk.

4.Over the life of a forward contract, the amount of credit risk is least likely to:

A)   stay the same.

B)   increase.

C)   decrease.

D)   change signs.

The correct answer was A)

The amount of credit risk is least likely to stay the same. The amount of credit risk is based on the contract value, which is zero at contract initiation. For the value to stay the same (at zero), the expected future price of the asset must not change over the life of the contract, an unlikely circumstance. As the value of the contract to the long goes from positive to negative, the amount of credit risk changes in sign.

