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I am saying..."Currently in pursuit of CFA Level 1"

I hope I am complaint...


Some employer are asking for people interested in pursuing the CFA, so don't see anything wrong with putting Level 1 candidate in the CFA program.


Giristide Wrote:
> Some employer are asking for people interested in
> pursuing the CFA, so don't see anything wrong with
> putting Level 1 candidate in the CFA program.

There's nothing wrong with it necessarily. It just doesn't look very impressive that you were able to sign up for an exam (because technically, that's all that you had to do to become a Level 1 Candidate).

If you're actively searching for employment now then "Level 1 Candidate in the CFA Program" would work. But depending on where you're applying, I wouldn't expect it to make too much of a difference. Even being a Level 2 Candidate doesn't get you much of anything.


read the ethics section of the text and you will know exactly how to referecen you candidacy.


Are you guys for real?

All you can say is the following...

Level I Candidate in the CFA Program

Ethics much????


Or just wait for the results, if you pass then register the same day you find out then you will be a Level II Candidate!

