if you have a callable bond and you want to remove the call, you want to remove the call option and thus "remove" the receiver swaption. or sell it. so to remove the call you sell the receiver option
if you have a noncallable bond and want to add a synthetic call, you buy the receiver option.
it was not specifically mentioned in the LOS so there is no way they can ask us to calculate this shiz unless they wanna tick me off. i imagine if you memorize this concept you should be able to get the 3 choice mc question down. hopefully lol
Deriv108, you totally edited and removed your "easy peasy" comment which led directly into my quote continuing a Shawshank Redemption reference. now I just look like an eccentric candidate.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Sunday, May 15, 2011 at 07:38PM by SkipE99.