以下是引用iamsuperdo在2009-7-10 23:37:00的发言: 我不小心带荧光笔进考场,不过在考试开始前已经被监考的人拿走了,结果居然还给我上报了 今天收到一个letter,后面写
although your conduct was a violation of the 2009 CFA examination rules and regulations, the pcp has determined that no further inquiry into this matter is warranted. Our decision in no way diminishes the seriousness of this matter, and i remind you of your obligation to comply with all provisions o the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, as well as all written and verbal rules pertainning to the CFA exam.
这是REMIND LETTER不是CAUTIONARY LETTER,不会有什么问题,以后注意考规就可以了,不会有不良记录.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-21 14:25:54编辑过] |