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a funny story about calculator

days prior to the result, I am gonna tell you guys a funny story about my calculator.
I have a 16 year old TI BA II plus. I mean it, 16 years old, it’s a gift from my wife’s sister when she was working at TI.
The calculator has an antique look and feel, and orinigal battery is still working like a charm.
I used it no problem on L1.
On the morning session of L2, no problem either.
In the afternoon, a younge female proctor questioned my calculator. I told her, check the list, the model is on there. She said, I know, but the appearance doesn’t look right.
She starts to frantically browse the pictures of those calculators and try to match mine in vain.
Then I said something stupid: look, kid, this caculator might be older than you so don’t feel sorry if you don’t recogonize it.
She was visibly angry but controlled herself very well. She got someone older to have a look and let me pass.

Rule 1;  Don’t ever get your proctors pissed!

