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4月17日,信用卡短信账单上有-640美元,电话查询得知是cfa institution的退款!我立刻登陆邮箱,才发现,已被取消了资格!






(1)“CFA Institute has denied your application to become a candidate in the CFA? Study and Examination Program. ” 和 “your CFA Program enrollment will be denied” 具体是什么含义?我不能参加此次2级考试?明年可以继续参加吗?还是我已经不是cfa会员,要重新入会,重新考1级?

(2)我没有找到“CFA Program Applicants Appeal Q & A”,在FAQs里面也没有,于是我就直接回复邮件了。上诉程序应该是怎样的?直接回复邮件可以吗?






Below is an email from the CFA Institute Professional Conduct Program dated 17 February 2009.  As of today, we have not heard from you.  As a reminder, because we have not heard from you, your CFA Program enrollment will be denied. 



I am writing to you on behalf of the Professional Conduct Program at CFA Institute.  This letter is to inform you that

CFA Institute has denied your application to become a candidate in the CFA? Study and Examination Program. 

We note the disclosures you made in response to questions #1-3 on the Professional Conduct Inquiry which ask:

1. Suspension:  Are you currently, or within the last five years have you been, the subject of disciplinary action by a

regulatory organization or judicial court that resulted in a temporary suspension from:

(a)     participation in the financial services markets OR

(b)     association with a financial services institution?

2.  Expulsion:  Are you currently, or within the last five years have you been, the subject of disciplinary action by a

regulatory organization or judicial court that resulted in a permanent or indefinite suspension from:

(a) participation in the financial services markets OR

(b) association with a financial services institution?

3. Prohibitions and Restrictions:  In the last five years, has a regulatory organization or judicial court denied you

trading privileges or prevented you from:

(a)     Trading on a securities or contract market, OR

(b)     Acting as a person required to be registered under a law or regulation, OR

(c)     Acting as an affiliated person or employee of a financial services institution?

In accordance with the CFA Institute Board of Governors’ established policy regarding criteria for admission into the

CFA Program, the conduct disclosed by you on the Professional Conduct Inquiry form disqualifies you from

participation in the 2009 CFA Study and Examination Program. 

If you have reason to believe there are exceptional or unusual circumstances that warrant further review of your enrollment by the Professional Conduct Program, you may submit an appeal of the denial decision. If you choose to submit an appeal, it must be submitted in writing and received by the PCP within twenty (20) days from the date of this letter.   Please refer to the attached “CFA Program Applicants Appeal Q & A” for more information regarding the appeal process. 

If the PCP does not receive a written appeal of the denial decision within twenty (20) days of the date of this letter

(by 8 March 2009), the denial of your CFA Program enrollment will be final and you will have waived all rights to

further review of the matter by the PCP.  The appropriate application fee will be returned to you. 

In addition, The Professional Conduct Program at CFA Institute is in receipt of your June 2009 CFA Program

Enrollment Form, Professional Conduct Statement. 

The Professional Conduct Statement asked,

Since becoming a candidate in the CFA Study and Examination Program, have you been:

A.      The subject of, a defendant to, or respondent in any investigation, civil litigation, arbitration, or other

action or proceeding in which your professional conduct, in either a direct or supervisory capacity,

was at issue, or

B.      The subject of a written complaint regarding your professional conduct in either a direct or

supervisory capacity?

We note that you marked, “Yes, matter currently under investigation by CFA Institute” on the Professional Conduct

Statement.  According to our records you have never disclosed a professional conduct matter to the Professional

Conduct Program.

Please advise, in writing, whether your “Yes” response was marked in error or if you should have checked “No” or

“Yes, not previously disclosed to CFA Institute.”

You may reapply to the CFA Program when you have no disclosures (no “yes” responses) to the eight questions

contained on the Professional Conduct Inquiry form. 

Thank you for your interest in the program.


Beth Waddell

Professional Conduct Program

CFA Institute

回复 4# chairgirl

   亲 我恰巧出现相同的情况 我过了20天了 怎么办 我花钱请人帮我写了 不知道能不能参加12月的考试  你当时过了日期了吗 那你回复后 他们允许你参加考试了吗


看到LZ的情况, 我想问一下我错过了CFA的survey会有问题么
看到的时候已经expire了, 这survey是randomly selected的. 错过了也没有什么后续邮件了, 会有问题么?


以下是引用chairgirl在2009-4-29 15:28:00的发言:




虽然cfa institution在之前的邮件中说明,过了那个时间段就没有上诉的机会了。




I dun think it matters your speed of reading. Since as you replied these questions, there was no time limit right? And at least i think you can use the dict to check out each word. It is really wired. I dun think they will accept your explanation. Or you'd better provide the testimonial of your clean record.

As for me, I won't accept any explanation without any supporting documents.




以下是引用sharco99在2009-4-25 0:26:00的发言:
 Should someone with this level of English enter the program? Maybe you ought to gear up your language skill. 




虽然cfa institution在之前的邮件中说明,过了那个时间段就没有上诉的机会了。





 Should someone with this level of English enter the program? Maybe you ought to gear up your language skill. 


多谢指教!我已经回复了邮件说明我一个qualified candidate了。










