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Why the secrecy for AM paper?

Hi all,
My first post here.
I know we can’t talk about questions, but why the secrecy for the Level III AM paper? Isn’t it released ?
Another post on here mentioned that people in North America would have sat a different paper? But how could that be when they release the previous year’s AM? Or do they really have multiple but release only one?

The same way that it goes CFAI - they break their self-imposed silence on exam questions when they ppublish the L3 AM, so why shouldn’t the candidates? Why the double standard?


I don’t know man but it is what it is. I just accept it and move on.
My thing is that if people have such a hard time not speaking about the specifics of the exam then how will they handle confidential client information or material non-public information.
I would be surprised if a few people on this site aren’t subject of sanctions by CFAI. There are people describing actual questions but think because they don’t say all the details they’re safe. Apparently they didn’t read their ethic material or their candidate pledge properly.


oh well!! I did not know they are past exam actual question.
if they really publish - then this question remains - whats the point secrecy.


No, CFAI provides a mock exam (item set questions) for the current year and they also publish the AM section of the previous 3 years.


when do they release previous year AM paper? I have not seen them?


I’ll tell you what. I felt the same. But I’m sure there are two AM papers. And the difference is a single question for 12-15 minutes I guess. Because I’m a retaker and I took the actual 2012 exam. I download when they released the actual exam. I am hundred percent sure that one question I saw on the actual exam wasn’t there in the exam I downloaded and one I saw on the downloaded exam wasn’t there in my actual exam. So I’m sure they want you to forget things until November.


im thinking that too , or we have to wait until the exam result declare and 2013 actual exam is published inth CFA website??

