点这里下载课堂录音: [attach]3130[/attach] 美国鬼子用的英文讲义,用SPACE论坛的“货币”购买哦! [UseMoney=10] Question: Discuss different between gross domestic product GDP and gross national product GNP Answer: GDP gross domestic product in the total market value of all domestically produced final goods and service for that year ,aspect mention of GDP 1. includes goods and service purchase by final users.Intermediate goods purchase for resell or for the production of other goods service are exclude to avoid double counting Their value is in the body in the value the goods purchase by the end user ; 2. includes only goods produced during the current period and 3. excludes financial transaction and incoming transfers for example : social security and welfare payments GDP only can transaction that add to current production [/UseMoney] 【SPACE节目:放耳朵过来学CFA】地道美国鬼子上CFA课程^_^第一集
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-14 22:11:30编辑过] |