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I do however plan on taking lots of notes for L2 when I begin studying in a couple of months.


I did something slightly different. I photocopied each chapter of Schweser and kept them in clear plastic wallets. I kept all the chapters for each study session in a separate folder, so 18 folders in all. For each chapter I went through carefully, underlining, colouring and making notes in the margins. For areas where I knew I was weak I went back to the CFAI texts and added more notes / examples. I also made between 450-500 flashcards covering all the main concepts, which I kept in two boxes and used dividers to mark out into the 18 study sessions.

Dividing the notes and cards up into 18 separate folders / sections helped me to feel on top of the material. I'd work a study session at a time, blitzing the notes and the cards, then do 100 questions on Q-Bank. I revisited each study session over and over again using this method. My background is non-finance and this definitely helped me to negotiate the material and pass the exam.

