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something after passing the CFA Level 3 exam...

I've learned from someone else, If a candidate has just passed CFA Level 3 exam, then he should first find two sponsor and get to be a member,

However, what should be done after the candidate became a member,  and how long is it from he knows his CFA Level 3 exam result, to he finally get the CFA charter?

Look forward to someone answering it, and thank u very much!

回复 1# lupinelp

Hi, I submitted my membership application few weeks from the CFA level III exam, and it took few days to get the approval. Two sponsors work for you, and i guess it might take a little bit more days for you guys cause more people do their apps after the result publish.


U are so wise, it is said that it may be about 10-15 weeks to be a member, and living so much time to waiting


U are so wise, it is said that it may be about 10-15 weeks to be a member, and living so much time t ...
lupinelp 发表于 2011-8-22 13:01

I guess it might be shorter than 10 weeks if you lead to submit the app, cause it only took me less than 1 week to get the approval


THANK U! Could you please tell me, what should be done after a candidate became a member,  and about how long it spends to get the CFA charter finally?


THANK U! Could you please tell me, what should be done after a candidate became a member,  and about ...
lupinelp 发表于 2011-8-22 17:46

If you're a regular member and have passed all three levels of the exam, what you should do is just to wait, wait and wait...


THANK U very much! I'll pick my video game joystick, to get used to the days after the exam.

