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Appears policies have changed and you can no longer post generalizations about questions and discuss writing CFAi about specific points.

CFAi should probably crack down on the after exam bar episodes and lunch as well because numerous people were discussing questions point for point and the number section.

If you have a question on how to work something out or a general question about theory feel free to ask.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Monday, June 7, 2010 at 06:56PM by Paraguay.

ay ay paraguay


You are right. Then let's just wait for the results and say quiet. Not worth it.


Yeah it appears that way. Honestly we have been on this board for 2-3+ years and now it appears as if policies have changed on what you can discuss. Moderators should clean up the forums (especially the last 2 years were each question is posted word for word) and also wallstreetoasis and numerous blog posts.

Would help to clean up the requests for previous year mocks as well.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at Monday, June 7, 2010 at 07:12PM by Paraguay.


Well I still think it is somewhat of a gray area. The standards of exam questions appeared more if you are using word for word. As in the past Q & A has been allowed on this forum (look at level 3) it would have appeared to fall in the category same as talking during lunch or after PM session in bar. Apparently a different direction this year or maybe enforcement for previous leeway.

I do agree with you. The reason I study as hard as I do is not to pass the test it is because it helps on a daily basis at work. I think a lot of people still lack that part of the CFA program and are only attempting to pass. Most people don't deal in FRA, currency SWAPs and *, but reading a sell-side report or watching the talking heads on TV it is nice to know what they are talking about.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Monday, June 7, 2010 at 08:01PM by Paraguay.


Paraguay is doing just great in the World Cup


meemee81 Wrote:
> Paraguay is doing just great in the World Cup

Ah, but wait until they meet New Zealand on the 24th :-)


Does anyone know why we cant discuss the exam? Am I even allowed to discuss why we cant discuss it?


Sorry mate. I am not allowed to discuss why I am not allowed to discuss why I am not allowed to discuss the exam.


Paraguay is going down to New Zealand

