CFA Institute ID# XXXXXX Dear Mr. XXXXX, Thank you for contacting us. You will not be eligible to sit for the Level II exam until after you have received your degree and confirmed your degree with CFA Institute. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you. Please contact us again if you have any further questions or requests. Regards, Randy Dearing Client Services Visit our website at Learn more about the CFA Program at Learn more about the CIPM Program at
Dear Sir/Madam I am a Level 1 candidate who has just took the December Level 1 exam in China, and I have some question about signing up for level 2 exam in June 2009.I'd appreciate if you can help me on this issue. CFA institute in its publications says that it requires the candidates to have at last a bachelor degree or equivalent to be eligible for the Level 2 exam, and senior in the university could sign up for Level 1. I also saw that a student who has finished all the courses required by the university only waiting for the graduation ceremony to receive his degree can register for the Level 2. All my courses will be finished by 15 January, 2009 this semester. Next semester, I have only my graduation thesis to write and have my thesis presentation in May. The graduation ceremony will be held in middle June and I will receive my degree on that ceremony.I wonder if I could sign up for the Level 2 exam if I pass the Level 1. And does CFA institute require some proof of what I have writen in this E-mail. If I couldn't sit the exam on next June , I have to wait for another year, which prolongs my process of studying and wastes nearly one year time. I hope you could provide me with further information on this. 这个问题我问过协会,上面是我的去信和官方的回答,你可以参考看看。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-21 22:15:53编辑过] |