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Referring to candidacy

Wanted to know the correct way to refer my candidacy. I just wrote CFA Level this June.

Is "CFA Level 1 candidate" correct way to refer myself?

Can I mention this in my resume?


Use "Level 1 candidate in CFA program". I am sure this one is correct.


If you pass L1, then "Passed Level 1 of the CFA Program"

If you are pursuing L1/written the exam and the results are yet to be out, then "Level 1 candidate in the CFA Program"


All of these answers are incorrect, other than the first reply and the last which just states you passed a level.



Initially i had written "CFA Level X Candidate" but changed it to "Level X candidate in CFA program"... dont want to take any chance...


While you can put CFA level 1 candidacy on your resume, I'm not sure I would do it. You're basically just saying "hey, I took a test and there's about a 60-65% chance I failed it."

I might leave any reference off until you pass L1.


I've emailed CFAI, checking on my resume, and CFA Level X Candidate came back as incorrect.
They said it should be Level X Candidate in CFA Program.


Should the X be in Arabic number (1,2,3) or in Roman number (I, II, III) ?

"Level I Candidate in CFA Program"
"Level 1 Candidate in CFA Program"


Roman for sure!

