- 230030
- 帖子
- 10
- 主题
- 2
- 注册时间
- 2011-8-31
- 最后登录
- 2014-5-28
三级初战失利,上午题答得很烂,Band 6,求指导!
本人年初研究生毕业,现刚参加工作。今年2月底开始复习三级,Notes基本看完一遍,在淘宝上买了今年的课件从头到尾认真看完一边做了笔记。原版书课后题我把客观题都做了一遍,上午题的真题我从07年做到12年,每套都是做两遍,选择题的Mock和Samp我也做了最近三年的,自我感觉复习得还可以(为了复习,我在实习期请假回家复习,从四月中旬到考试前都在家里所在城市的大学里上自习),考试时也觉得难度不算太大,本以为能过可成绩出来我一看就傻了,Essay部分惨不忍睹,我一度怀疑是不是自己忽略了在指定位置答题这一关键环节,但马上迅速排除这种可能。现在求教各位高人和大神们,上午题部分的复习应该重点注意什么地方,如何提高?是不是我做题做得还不够多?Practice Exam是不是也必须要做?
Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70%
1 Portfolio Management - Individual 20 * - -
2 Portfolio Management - Individual 15 * - -
3 Portfolio Management - Individual 16 * - -
4 Equity Investments 17 * - -
5 Economics 20 - * -
6 Portfolio Management - Institutional 18 - * -
7 Portfolio Management - Institutional 14 * - -
8 Fixed Income Investments 17 * - -
9 Fixed Income Investments 9 * - -
10 Portfolio Management - Risk Management 18 * - -
11 Portfolio Management - Performance Eval. 16 * - -
Item Set
Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70%
- Alternative Investments 36 - * -
- Economics 18 - * -
- Equity Investments 18 - - *
- Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - * -
- Fixed Income Investments 18 - * -
- Portfolio Management 18 - - *
- Portfolio Management - Asset Allocation 18 - - *
- Portfolio Management - Risk Management 18 - - *
We have divided the group of candidates who did not pass into 10 approximately equal score bands. Your score band below shows how your overall score on the exam compares with the overall scores of candidates who did not pass this exam.
Your score band: 6 |