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发表于 2011-7-13 15:35
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Miss*Yiota Wrote:
> Under IFRS, you compare Min(Historical cost, NRV)
> Under USGaap, it's more tricky. It is Min
> (historical cost ; Replacement cost)
> But the RC itself is determined as the value that
> lie between (NRV ; NRV - normal profit).
> Then you have to calculate these valued.
> Let's assume HC = 100 NRV = 90, normal profit = 3
> and RC = 89
> Under IFRS, the booking value will be 90
> Under USgaap, NRV = 90 NRV - NP = 90-3 = 87 RC =
> 89
> Then the booking value is Min (100 ; 89) = 89
> If RC were = 80, then the booking value would be =
> 87
> If RC were = 92, then the booking value would be =
> 92
> Because RC should lie between (NRV ; NRV - normal
> profit).
I think what you meant here was:
If RC were = 92, then the booking value would be = 90
This is how I think of it:
Under GAAP, Carrying Value of Inventory = Min (Cost, Market Value)
Market Value must lie between 'NRV - margin' and 'NRV'
If it is less than this range, Market Value gets bumped up to 'NRV - margin' (min change required to get it into range)
If it is more than this range, Market Value gets down to 'NRV' (min change required to get it into range)
So if 'NRV - margin = 87' and 'NRV = 90' and Cost = 100
If Market value = 89, then it stays the same. Carrying Value of Inventory = 89
If Market Value = 80, then Market Value becomes 87. Carrying Value of Inventory = 87
If Market Value = 92, then Market Value becomes 90. Carrying Value of Inventory = 90 |