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Will quit for sure if failed 2nd time.


Robbon1 Wrote:
“We don’t quit at half time… You don’t score
until you score!”

- Steve Stifler
I don’t consider passing Level 1 is half time. :-) If one passed level 2 and failed level 3 twice, I would suggest that he/she takes level 3 again. But usually people don’t fail level 3 that many times.


ChickenTikka Wrote:
Pay someone to take the test for you (forge your

My sympathy to anyone in that kind of slump. I
know plenty of successful people that dropped out
unable to finish level 2 and 3.

If you put in good effort into the exam you need
to rethink your plan of attack. Try getting into
practicing the material outside of the material.
Conducting your own research on stocks and
investing a little bit with an etrade account.
Just buying a few bonds helped me understand Fixed
Income a whole lot better than reading about them
in textbooks.

Seek and experts help too.
Sound advice! (Excluding the first one.)


Somebody gona get hurt real bad…..


chicken tikka missala rocks!!


wake2000 Wrote:
chicken tikka missala rocks!!
This is good, but I like Chicken Madras better. Make it extra spicy with some nann and lassi, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


I have no job, live at home, and am flat broke. If I fail level II I may just hang myself. But if I don’t hang myself, yeah I’d take it again.


If I dont pass I’m not going to try again mainly for a couple of reasons. The first being that its probably just not for me if I cant pass it on the second try. Secondly there are other things that I would prefer to be doing than studying level 2 for a third time.


You fail. Two harshest words in the English language. Harsher than f you because one is directed at you for any reason, the other being you are not worthy because you fail you. No one to blame but yourself. Freaking sad.
Afraid of wife not respecting me… she thinks the world of me… now only disappointment.
Three more dreadful days.
Thank you, guys, for the input.


it would be devastating…
makes me wonder… have anybody committed suicide from not passing (again) any cfa exam?
no joke… (not that I’m ever in that camp)… but I can totally sympathize and understand why…
these exams stress the crap outta people.

