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Less than 50% in all topics in AM

I am just shocked how I got less than 50% in all topics in AM. How could this happen. What should I do next time? Is it that I completely missed something this time?

Did you write your answers on the lined paper and/or the templates? Dumb question but that would be one route to that score. Or perhaps mis-numbering/not numbering answers?


Are you not supposed to write answers on the lined paper or in the template provided? Where ever there was a template provided they mentioned we had to write it in the template? Even I have got < 50% on most sets in the AM session


But I guess there weren't templates provided for all questions, only some questions and wherever they asked for it, I wrote the answer in the template, otherwise on the lined paper.

And I've got less than 50 in all AM sections - how can this be possible?


Study more


majority below 50 in AM. first test I have ever failed


first two questions in the AM paper went well for me ... or so i thought! but results showed i had below 50 in both the first questions. It is very possible ... id say look at the markschemes and expect those answers to not be sufficient! i suspect very very little partial credit gets awarded!
Good luck next year!


janakisri...you were a great help on the forum this year...we'll kill it together next year.


I had a very similar feeling. I thought I did answer the AM session questions well, but was surprised by the way the scores went - 6 < 50%, 3 > 70%.

I found that the questions I answered first were the ones I got > 70%. All the rest was < 50%.

So need to

a. tighten up on the AM sections definitely.
b. look at the guideline answers when they come out in Spring 2012 - after answering the 2011 paper then once more - and see what was lacking, in light of the new preparation - and see what is really going wrong.

What it does mean is - I need to be prepared way earlier - allowing for all distractions / trials / tribulations that I might go thro' to be able to answer the paper as soon as it becomes available.



I felt same day, i thought i did ok for AM session, but the scores went -5< 50%.

any retaker who crashed essay quetions this year can share some tips?

