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Saving FSA for last?

So here is what I am thinking, and wanted to see if anyone thought this was a bad (or good) idea. I’ve gone through Ethics and both Quant study sessions already, and plan to be done with Econ in about a week.
What I am thinking about doing is skipping over FSA and saving it for last. I figure with it being the heaviest weighted topic in Level 1 that I want it freshest on my mind. Another reason I am considering doing this is that the Markets, Equity, Fixed Income, Derivatives shouldn’t be too tough on me since I have a Series 7, 63, 24, and 4. I think that I should be able to work through those pretty well (although I don’t plan on taking them lightly, but I assume some of it will be material I already know).
At the pace I am on right now I should be done with all the readings by the end of April, but if I can get a week or two ahead of pace with the Markets, Equity, Fixed Income, Derivates readings that will give me a) more time to focus on FSA, b) more time to review Quant (im a little worried about it), and c) more review time overall for practice exams.
I guess what I am asking in a very long way is, would there be any disadvantage to saving FSA for last? Do I need the material presented in those readings to understand Corporate Finance, Portfolio Management, or any other readings…or is it an independent topic that can be read on it’s own whenever I am ready?
Thanks everyone.

FRA is the most heavily weighted section, and critical to passing. So, I’d di it after econ, and then periodically (once a week or so) review the schweser summaries for a half hour or so. This’ll helpo drive it home. There’s a lot of evidence that retention (encoding) of new mterial works best with periodic short reviews.
And if you get lost, sign up for John Harris/ FRA twoday workshop. It’s the only review that gets universally positive reviews on the AF board. It’s the best $500 I ever spent.


Thanks for all of the input, you all have convinced me! I thought that I would be saving time by getting through the sections I have a good understanding of already, thereby giving extra time to go over FSA and other sections I find difficult, but….I suppose it will work out the same if I get through FSA and am able to get the other sections done a week or so earlier. It will just leave more time for overall review.
Thanks again everyone. Good luck in all your studies (I know I need it).


I agree with maratikus. Better to go through it once now and review again after you finish all of the material. It’s easier to relearn something than to learn initially, and you don’t want to initially learn FSA at the end (when you are the most pressed for time).
To each his own though. That’s just my opinion.


Agree with maratikus, especially in terms of wanting time to digest new concepts and do practice problems etc. It took a good month or two after finishing FSA for it to really click for me.
Also, there are parts of corp finance that I think will help give context around parts of FSA.
Everyone learns differently, but I think waiting to the very end to read FSA is a bad idea.


I was considering FSA for last but went with it right after ECON. I agree with martikus. The concepts take time to digest and you don’t want to be caught with not enough time for review. I see completing the first 3 books (Quant/Econ/FSA) as a major hurdle. The last 3 books should go by quick since 2 out of the 3 are thin.


Thanks maratikus.
Anyone else got any input?
What I am really trying to ask is, do you see any disadvantage to reading FSA (and probably Corporate Finance) last? Or is it all the same as long as I get each thoroughly done?


I think you would do better if you study FSA after you are done with Econ. It takes time to digest new concepts. You can then review FSA after you are done with all sessions to keep it fresh.

