- 606362
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- 2015-6-2
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- 2017-2-14
请问去年考试被PCP调查并且考试成绩取消后,今年申请考试怎么填professional Conduct?
大家好,如题, 请问大家下面的问题是选第一项还是第三项呀?纠结的是选第一项的话, 我没有disclose to CFA是PCP自己investigate的。 谢谢!
Changes in Professional Conduct HistorySince becoming a candidate in the CFA Program, have you been: - The subject of a written complaint regarding your professional conduct in either a direct or supervisory capacity?
- Or, the subject of, a defendant to, or respondent in any investigation, civil litigation, arbitration, or other action or proceeding in which your professional conduct, in either a direct or supervisory capacity, was at issue?
Yes, previously disclosed to CFA Institute
Yes, not previously disclosed to CFA Institute
No |