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发表于 2013-4-12 23:23
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The hp 12c enables you to calculate the amounts applied toward principal and
toward interest from a single loan payment or from several payments, and also
tells you the remaining balance of the loan after the payments are made.*
To obtain an amortization schedule:
1. Press fCLEARG to clear the financial registers.
2. Enter the periodic interest rate, using i or 12/.
3. Enter the amount of the loan (the principal), using PV.
4. Key in the periodic payment, then press CHS PMT (the sign of PMT must be
negative, in accordance with the cash flow sign convention).
5. Press gBEG or (for most direct reduction loans) gEND to set the payment
6. Key in the number of payments to be amortized.
7. Press fAMORT to display the amount from those payments applied toward
8. Press x |