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I am sure you will nail it the next time round guys !!!!


i understand that...my mom is asian too.


Yea man...been there....especially when your whole extended family knows you're taking the exam...no added pressure of course....


South Asian parents get too touchy when it comes to exams. I cleverly and deliberately didnt spread the news of CFA much in the extended family earlier. After passing L2, I have spread the word a little.

But Trader Analyst and MissCleo Never give up!! I wasn't expecting to pass before the exam this time despite being a retaker. But I kept going at my best during the last month and the exam day. Managed to pass at the low margin.


my dad had no idea what cfa is. he doesn't give a @#$%&


wow lucky u


My two cents.

I failed Band 10 last year. I felt like a caged beast.

I remember retakers saying that studying for level II the second time is much easier... but all i could think about was reviewing all that material over again....

It's tough at first to mentally get back into it, but they were right, going over the material for the second time is a lot easier, once you start to get into it, and slowly build momentum. A retaker who seriously prepared the first time is now a battle hardend veteran... you are hundreds of hours ahead of those fresh from level I. You are much more likely to survive the next Level II battle, given the experience you have. And remember, CFA is a war. One cannot be strong in all areas, nor expect to win every battle. It is not the beginning that matters but the end.

Enjoy the rest of the summer, then back to training.


Traderanalyst Wrote:
> Yeh now i wish i had not spread the word of this
> exam as my whole extended family are sending me
> condolensces @#$%& hate my life rite now

You'll just have to deal with it for another month or so, then it will go away. With that said now, since you were band 10 and probably missed out by a couple of questions, you should really hit it hard in the fall to maximize your advantage, don't take it too easy in the fall.


@MissCleo and TraderAnalyst -
Your moms cried? That's so sad! Wow, if my mom cried because of me, I would feel devastated as well. I understand your feelings.

And MissCleo, I saw your posts in the other thread about shooting yourself etc. - don't worry, we will all pass level 2 in 2012 So, don't give up. There's a reason why, even if you become a charterholder, the words 'CFA' appear AFTER your name - YOU are more important. YOUR LIFE is more important than the CFA designation - this is just an exam. I mean, it's about that one day. Things could go bad that day; maybe you have a headache, maybe you were sleepy, maybe it just wasn't your day! How can your performance tested in a few hours decide your survival? Some 50 years down the line, you won't even care about the designation, most probably. And reading some inspiring posts by others, who passed on their 4th and 6th attempts, you just cannot give up. Good luck!


Band 10 means you almost there.
Ethics,FRA, Equity, Derivatives, AI, FI focus on these next around. I am sure you will in 2012.
I did not prepare for Quants, Economics. Just flat out guessed them. Still passed.

