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Not being critical enough of your ability to answer the written AM questions... you need to practice this and force yourself to write answers out as opposed to reading them and thinking that you get it.


More practice with the AM session - I found I needed to learn how to be more direct with my answers so I don't waste precious time which you will need for the morning. Also, try getting use to the essay type questions because it requires a higher level of thinking in comparison to level 2 with all mc where you easily recognize the answers which makes it easier. Level 3 am is all writing so that means you need to know the material cold to answer them. You get part marks but you don't get marks for bull-shitting. So be direct.


apparently many people get confused on exam day as to where to write your answers - they must be written on your answer templates, or else they will not be graded (as in, answers written underneath the questions will not be graded)


[I am talking about the AM session here]

when you see the previous year's papers provided - please pay heed to the "page numbers" on the exam questions. CFAI definitely removes the blank pages where you answer, however they leave the template pages in.

so if you are "observant" you will substitute "ruled pages" -- as many number as the page number indicates between your "question pages", not answer on the question paper itself, use that page just like in the exam - to make ur notes and not get into the same trouble that 4-5 folks on the forum got into while at the final attempt (2011 Jun 4).


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Friday, August 5, 2011 at 01:36PM by cpk123.



Not writing the answers in the correct places.


Don't spend your time focusing on specific areas. You really don't know what will or won't show up on the exam. L1 was gameable, L2 a little bit less. L3, not so much. Everything is intertwined.



spending too much time on an essay question in which you havent a clue how to answer.......MOVE ON!


SkipE99 Wrote:
> Focusing too much on Schweser and ignoring CFAI
> Text. of course not many on this forum can really
> say anything for sure for another 11 days

So do you feel that it's even worth using Schweser at all for Level III? For Level I and Level II my strategy was to read all the CFAI books first then go through all of the Schweser books, but this time around the AM portion has me a bit worried. Do you think I'd be better off going through CFAI twice instead of CFAI once and Schweser once?


ask me again in 10 days...GULP


My lessons from level 3 are the following:

1) Really really budget time. I got killed on the essay section - make sure you at least make it through all the sections.

2) Don't skip anything. While you may have to focus on core areas (IE: Fixed Income, Asset Allocation), at least have read EVERYTHING at least once and make sure you understand the main concepts.

3) Do tons of problems/practice tests. And make sure you've simulated a real testing environment time wise for the essay portion. It will force you to read through the passages quickly and answer efficiently which will maximize your chances of passing.

I'm pissed because I felt decently prepared for the test, did well on the multiple choice, but because of my unfamiliarity with the essay section and inefficiency stemming from my lack of practice, I ended up answering half the essay questions VERY thoroughly but ran out of time and left 3 (or 4?) sections entirely BLANK. What a DUM-ASS.

Don't make the same mistake I did - the essay portion is completely different and needs to be practiced.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Friday, August 5, 2011 at 07:28PM by wangta01.


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