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下一主题:FSA: sample exam: q22: Ready Power Inc.
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I sent you an email mins. ago, if you could send the file I could upload it to my server where it won't be deleted.
Amr M.


Omar i have mailed you. Check it!
Btw, what do you do? Just curious


I assume I replied to all 3 of you now ..

syedadnanrizvi: Haven't found a good job offer after graduation that suits my interests so went for level 1 and private consulting work .. Going for abroad post-grad in September hopefully


So if anyone got the email, make sure to download the links before tomorrow as the links are going to expire ...


The links have actually expired by now but because of demand, I will upload them again to another website for another week ..

I will start emailing them out in 2 days - if you have asked for them to be sent out today, please make sure to email me again after tomorrow



上一主题:MBS Hedge
下一主题:FSA: sample exam: q22: Ready Power Inc.