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Life after Band 10 Fail

So started studying from mid December and Failed band 10 ...one the most miserable feeling ever after putting in so much effort i know where i went wrong (failed Ethics) and i know that i will Gtd pass next year ...I guess only time will heal the pain of those who had put in th effort yet failed in the meantime im considerng taking up CMA and giving the entrance exam for it i only need 5 more course(advanced financial,taxation and MIS) to be able to write the CMA entrance exam ...what are all the else of you going to be doing ...

P.S Im from Toronto if any one wants to make a study group more then welcome get in touch at qureshq@gmail.com

My results are seriously surprising to me. Not necessarily the band 10 (because I honestly believe that can happen no matter how prepared you are, and I WAS prepared), but the breakdown. Like Fixed Income - I was scoring above 80% in FI consistently. PM and Econ are also very surprising. I have no idea what happened in those sections. At least with FRA I know what happened - a LIFO/FIFO vignette instead of other things I had a very firm grip on. Oh well, life goes on, right?

I'm still not sure what I'm going to do. Probably cry in my beer for a couple of months and start over in February. Sigh. Otherwise it's CIMA.

- Alternative Investments 18 - * -
- Corporate Finance 36 * - -
- Derivatives 36 - - *
- Economics 18 * - -
- Equity Investments 72 - - *
- Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - - *
- Financial Reporting & Analysis 72 - * -
- Fixed Income Investments 36 * - -
- Portfolio Management 18 * - -
- Quantitative Methods 18 * - -


I had > 70 in Equity, Derivatives and FI ...Corp fin, and FRA 50-70 and rest less then 70...
for me i know for sure Ethics failed me ..looking at your result seems u shd have squeezed a pass since u nailed Ethics.....

shd we go for retab?


Must be frustrating as hell ! My heart goes out to you


Yeh i some how coped with my Band 10 fail but my parents were so disgusted they could not believe i failed and my mom cried all day ...it was heartbreakinng


Yeah my mom cried too, it's tough as hell traderanalyst, and I was only Band 8. Starting now though we have no excuse to fail next year.


Yeh Misscleo i know we will nail this one next year ...im still debating if i shd send for retab since i did erase about 4 questions and the bubble was still black after being erased..


Your moms cried ?! :-(

May I ask where you two are from?


Im originally from South Asia(India/Pak) now living in Toronto


asian parents are usually like that

