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Here's to the spouses and kiddo's

I could have never passed level 2 without my wife's support. This exam can get excruciatingly painful when you both work full time and there is a kid in the mix. When I passed level 2 my wife was probably happier than me and she also started to figure out what the whole program means. Now she is hoping for only one more go (as am I) and is prepared to help again next year.

So here is to all the spouses who played a significant role!

zneward Wrote:
> I could have never passed level 2 without my
> wife's support. This exam can get excruciatingly
> painful when you both work full time and there is
> a kid in the mix. When I passed level 2 my wife
> was probably happier than me and she also started
> to figure out what the whole program means. Now
> she is hoping for only one more go (as am I) and
> is prepared to help again next year.
> So here is to all the spouses who played a
> significant role!

Congrats zneward ! Am glad you put a smile on your loved ones faces


My wife is carrying our first child and has been supportive of me all along. I had to leave home for a few days to attend the exam as well and it was difficult for her. Couldn't have done this without her - so here's to her.

And to my kiddo, who will be learning about discounted cash flow models once he masters his basic arithmetics.

Not going to be fair if I am the only one doing it when you just sit there and suck your thumb eh son?


you are extremely lucky!
my husband started affairs, soul searches and scandals with throwing me out of house (because of his cheatings) shortly before the exam)))))))))
I am looking forward to doing this exam as a single now!


I dont even have a wife :-<


zneward Wrote:
When I passed level 2 my wife
> was probably happier than me

I agree. My wife keeps saying it over and over ("I can't believe you passed L2!") because I was certain I had failed and so she had prepared herself for another 7 months of no husband. She's so excited.

PositiveOutlook: You are MUCH better off without that d bag! What toilet scum that dude must have been.


WOW - PositiveOutlook - you are saying while you were studying for Level I your husband was out chasing tail ....... thats cold.

Well good luck for Level II without the dramas. I am sure there are plenty of "study partners" available for you out there :-)


Hey PositiveOutlook! I can teach you 'Hetero'skedasticity...<wink><wink>


If you and I were stock indexes, we'd be trading sideways, if you know what I mean.


I think we spooked her away ohai :-(

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Thursday, August 11, 2011 at 09:55AM by Alladin.

