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Career change

I am 36 and just sat for level 2 exam this June, I had been in sales and marketing lines for more than 12 years. Besides having great interest on investment knowledge, another reason I enrolled in CFA program is to get ready for career change to investment line if any opportunity

Would like to get advices from everbody on the planning of career change

1) will it be too late for me to switch to investment line with this age, am I be not competitive or not preferable in the job market compare to those 20++

Suggestions and comments are appreciated, in junction of life now .....

Hi step, i'm 30, work as an economist in a bank and have asked my manager to transfer to another department that will allow me to qualify for the designation at some point. so if you are in a situation where there is flexibility to start you career change within the organization you are currently maybe that's a good idea for you too.


The biggest issue you will likely run into switching careers at this point in the game is probably going to be economic in nature... starting at the bottom somewhere. Unless you enjoy sales, then you can sell bonds for anybody and the sky is the limit.


ZealVoyage Wrote:
> have you asked yourself: why a bank or asset
> management company wants to hire someone like you
> as a entry-level analyst?
> But you can surely be a sales at financial
> institutions, but i don't think it would be more
> fun than the job you are doing now.

that is some eye-popping truths you are handing out there ZealVoyage, eye-popping to be sure!


CFA as a career change tool works if you are young sales, HR marketing to Finance.

After 30 CFA is mostly to moved higher or within the sector i.e move from corp finace project financing to valuation , Equity research in I bank, PE


^ I mostly agree.

Even young people passing L1 and L2 are hitting walls trying to break into finance. Late 20's and 30's trying to break in will definitely be even harder


ha ha many soothsayers... if you blow up a bit more maybe i'll get to see you all the way from here


Hey Step,

I'm in the same boat. But I don't give a crap what the replies are to your question. Just an obstacle that I'm going to overcome. There will be less opportunities, but you only need one.


^ i think you need to change your name. great attitude.


Hope I didn't sound too mean. You always have a chance but you probably should change the thinking from "what I want/what I can do" to "what the potential employer wants from me".
My situation is even worse. Being a financial journalist and a woman in 30s, in a city flooded with financial professionals - it is tough!

