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Econ The Achilles heel (and strategy)

Is reviewing Econ the most time consuming? I started review a couple of days ago with the strategy that I will skim thru Schweser notes and start drilling the Qbank questions. However, I found my self in a bind, as I could not recollect much from the past and just skimming doesn’t help. So now I find myself spending 3 hrs a day on reviewing Econ and ONLY 1 hr on the Qbank. I want the numbers to turn around for Econ and all other Study sessions that follow. How do I do it?
My intended strategy is to spend ONLY 1 (or 2 hrs) a day on review, hit the Q bank for 2 hrs a day and spend most of the weekends on “cumulative” tests from Qbank and mocks.
But I cannot get away from this extensive reading even during review mode. I find myself spending a lot of time reading rather than solving problems. Is this specially the case for Econ as it involves lot of reasoning or will it be the same forward?
How do I move away from this state to my intended strategy? (or as the economists would say: how do I move the real GDP to potential GDP?)

Keep on reviewing and doing Qbank, you will only get faster.

