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Simple Answers: Schweser vs. Stalla vs. CFAI

I know similar threads have been posted, but I want the answers to be short and sweet as I feel this will be most effective for candidates. Here are the response options:
A) Status (current candidate, passed lvl 3, etc.)
B) Strategy used or will use:
1) Schweser Only
2) Stalla Only
3) CFAI Only
4) Combo
No additional comments needed, just taking a poll.

Passed all 3 levels using only CFAI. Best preparation is to do all CFAI questions you can get a hold of.


passed L3 in 2009
Schweser Notes only for L1,2
Schweser Notes + past exam essay questions from CFAI for L3


Passed L3 2009
2) Stalla Only


Passed L3
95% Schweser + 1/3EOCQ + old exams/mocks/samples
(L1 and L2 - exclusively Schweser, and would have done the same, if this phorum hadn’t frightened me


passed L3….
ACTUAL READING OF MATERIAL: 90%+ schweser (too much in hindsight even though i passed. could have got higher “grade” with same effort)
and i did the CFAI EOC. probably the best thing of everything i did, at least for some many subjects.
need to figure out how to do tons of CFAI reading, tons of schweser, CFAI EOC and schweser questions and practice mock exams. think you need to read CFAI once and make very good notes. or read schweser quickly a couple of times and then dive into CFAI and pick out what’s different…………….. some of it has to do with terribly worded LOS too (basically, why have them if they’re wrong)


I wish Schweser had a hot Asian woman on the cover for levle 3 like they did for level 2.


Same as Merv
CFA Charterholder in 2009
Combo : 95% schweser ; 5% CFAI (Selected EOC qns & Ethics portion)


Passed L3 2009
Readings: 3*100% Schweser (except ethics) + 3*CFAI Ethics
Exercices: Everything available except q-bank and book7
NB! I actually failed ethics, so Schweser worked best for me!!!


Passed. only CFAI

