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Hello all,

I was very surprised to see that I failed the exam this time. I felt soooo much better about it this year than I did last year. I was pretty sure I passed.....only to find out I failed with a band 3! I couldn't believe it...I was sure they sent me the wrong scores. 8 sections were below 50 (there is no way that's possible...considering the way I felt after the exam), and 2 were 51-70 (Ethics and Equity). There were several sections I felt great about leaving the exam that I got below 50 on. Needless to say, because I was so confident that I'd passed this exam, I submitted a request for a retabulation on Friday. For those of you who had a retab this year, how long has it taken? I know it says 30-60 days, but I've seen times that were much shorter. The wait is driving me crazy. I'm almost certain that my scantron somehow got out of line in the machine, or something else wacky happened. I've taken enough of these exams to know if my scores match up with the way I felt, and they always have before...but this time, they made no sense at all.


This retabulation could be a record-setter...


I don't think anyone in the history of AF has ever challenged and won a retab. I'm really hoping you will be the first.

But just remember there are many people before you who were 100% sure of passing only to misread the question, miss the trick, moved too quickly or simply underestimating the question.

I can tell you that the majority of lvl 2 candidates cannot confidently put hand on heart and bet their life that section X would score above 70%.

And remember that the bottom tier is less than or equal to 50%. So for the small vignette, if you get 3 out of 6, that's basically puts you in the bottom tier. 3 out of 6 (or 6/12 etc) for 8 sections is not impossible for a good candidate.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Wednesday, August 10, 2011 at 05:23AM by spaiydz.


spaiydz Wrote:
> I can tell you that the majority of lvl 2
> candidates cannot confidently put hand on heart
> and bet their life that section X would score
> above 70%.

Actually for Quant, I was 100% sure I nailed every one. For a section like quant, you know it or not, there's very little grey area.


No way, they ask you lots of jargony stuff in Quant that you can easily misinterpret.


You may have been blindsided by the tricks that CFAI loves to throw in to the answer choices. One way or another, you never really know if you pass these exams walking out because you may have fallen for all the wrong but right looking answers. Your supreme overconfidence indicates that you may have been blindsided.

Let us know how it goes either way. You may be right, but I doubt the CFAI would make such an egregious error.


to me..its easier to spot traps in quants than in other sections...


I remember a guy a couple of years ago that was sure that he passed Level II (he was really active on the forums seemed to know the material cold) and got a Band 1 or 2. He was sure that something got screwed up with the scantron. I think he retabed and it came back he failed Band 1 or 2. So, this is just one example of how messed up these exams can be.


Thanks for all the responses! Last year in Quant I felt really good about it and got above 70%. I felt even better about it this year and got below 50%....just doesn't make sense. I'll let you all know how it goes. I also knew about and was aware of many of the tricks they try to pull, so I feel like I dodged several of those.

If the results come back the same, I'm just not sure how to feel about it. I felt like I nailed that test. It was the first CFA exam I actually felt good about....and I did horrible. So frustrating.


Last year I got a band 5 and felt pretty horrible about the test. This year I felt really good about it and got a band 3.

