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I alway hear how L2 2010 was crazy hard and the one in 2011 was quite easy...then judging from the pass/fail matrices posted online the MPS must have been quite low for 2011...somethings fishy!


Yeah that's definitely the way I felt. I thought 2010 was extremely hard...and this one seemed relatively easy. Guess they tricked me!



I had results that were VERY similar to yours. I failed Band 4, seven out of my ten categories were in the <50% range, and the remaining 3 were in the 50-70%. I felt confident after leaving the exam, put in a TON of studying beforehand (and passed all three of my practice exams), and was completely shocked that I not only failed, but failed so miserably (with none in >70% which I simply cannot believe). Heck, I studied at least 50% more for this exam than I did for level 1, and I dominated level 1 in December.

I put in for a retab immediately after seeing my results, and unfortunately, I got the automated message a couple days letter saying there were no errors made. I know how people will claim that there are many tricks to the exam and so forth (which I'm well aware of), but even after getting the retab back, I still can't believe I failed as badly as I did.

Call it denial, but I'm the kind of person who always downplays how they actually did on an exam, and for me to feel this way is unheard of. After reading elsewhere that the CFA has never changed a score from a pass to a fail, and how they would rather fail a student than to admit a mistake (and deal with all the pandemonium that would inevitably arise once others hear of their mistake), it really makes me question why they would actually have a retabulation option (aside from stealing $100).

Good luck on your retab though.


Sounds like we are in the exact same boat! I'm sure my Retab is going to come back saying there were no errors. How long did it take for your retab?
This is my 2nd time around on level 2...just not sure I'm going to keep going after this. It's so disouraging after feeling really good about it, then getting such a horrible grade. I know a guy that took level 2 for the first time that felt so much worse than I did leaving the exam... he actually even admitted to not studying enough for it... but he did so much better than me. I just don't understand.
Are you going to take it again brubaker? Where are you located, I'm in Charlotte... that would be very ironic if you were in Charlotte too.


Yeah I'm thinking the same thing. Is it documented on the CFA website what readings were removed from or added to the curriculum?

I'll let you know how my retab turns out.


Yeah, there are some posts that describe which readings were taken away, and which one was added. I'm sure that once the Schweser Notes for 2012 become available, some people will be able to add more detail as to which specific pages/sections were taken away.

Sorry, forgot to mention that it took 3 days for my results to come in, but I was probably one of the earlier people to send in a retab.


Oh ok, hopefully I'll be getting mine soon. Thanks for your help!


I am clearly in the same situation. Located in Sydney Australia I woke up at about 3am to check the email. I was pretty sure I nailed the exam. The trickiness of the CFA level 2 exam is a known thing, but I knew this time around that I had passed, after having failed with band 4 last year. I was shocked to discover that I had failed. I knew something had gone terribly wrong. I noted that I was placed in band 4, and had gotten 50-70 only 3 sections of the exam (fixed income, equity and ALTS). I was really shocked I had failed everything else, espsically areas like corp fimn and FSI where i knew I had nailed down. The greatest shock of my life, for real.

I quickly applied for a retabulation - not because I was so desparate to pass, but because I knew with every fibre of my being that the results were very wrong.

I await the automated response with lots of hope. I will take the exam again if the retab doesnt change things, but with diminished trust in the system.

I know someone who passed will not understand this, but there are a few individuals who share the same sentiments


Goodluck guys ...must be frustrating as £$%^


i dont understand all this talk of tricks in the questions. With it being multiple choice the other two options cannot be obviously wrong otherwise it would be too easy.

