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发表于 2011-9-8 21:46
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Business model & strategy always matter
如果你认为高盛还是亚洲上市的冠军,你就大错了。In investment banking & PWM,高盛现在都不是最大的,原因就是战略和商业模式。这里太敏感,不多说了。但是战略和商业模式真的是太重要了。“上兵伐谋”,有道理。
Market savvy: Danny
He gave us three “open-meetings” to grill us about the market knowledge.
The difficult part about “being market savvy” is that I have to memorize an ever changing financial market’s data and news. Unlike history or other industries, all the data, indexes and news are changing everyday in Finance, and the same number will be outdated the same time tomorrow.
This is somehow like chasing your own shadow: it moves when you move. However, looking at Danny’s tough request on “market savvy” reminds me of how little Chinese entrepreneurs know about their own company, whose information is either static or does not change much.
Even if you just try to impress people, the fact that you can remember all the key information just out of your head is very impressive and helpful. That gives clients and colleagues lots of trust and confidence.
Now I request my partners and employees to be savvy about all the information related to our business, and they have to be able to talk more professionally than any competitors.
Starve for success: Rickie & Angel
What can I say? The best performers are those who are always hungry and are never satisfied.
Re-define professionalism: Vicky W.
我问一个VP,让她告诉我,从她的observation当中看,成功的VP和不成功的VP通常有什么区别?What did the successful VPs do right and the not-so-successful ones do differently?
其中一个就是专业程度(professionalism)。从开会不迟到这一个最基本的事情,到每天都要把unanswered phone calls & unreturned emails回复一遍,这些最基本的小事区分了成功和不成功的人。即便是已经很晚,你很忙,至少也要回复电话告诉人家说你今天很忙,可以明天通话。是呀,一个连电话都不能接,不能回的人有什么呢?国内很多人有种非常不好的作风,不接听电话也不喜欢回复电话,自己感觉很牛逼。这种人不要合伙,一定不成气候,因为你需要他的时候总找不到他。我深有体会。
Tenacity and methodology: Movie Wall street & Rudolf
China Team最成功的一个VP之一是一个外国人,讲得一口流利的中文。看到他每天cold call和发prospect letter, 我重新又 认识了什么叫做pitch skills和tenacity。见了一个外国人写的prospect letter,那个用词的当,有理有节,我是真的佩服佩服。
某种程度上讲,做banking的辛苦程度不比创业容易,即使是高盛和大摩也经常抢不到deal。品牌有帮助,但是最后起决定作用的还是人本身。 |