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Manager Continuation Decision

Question 1:

type I and II error
Posted by: happyking02 (IP Logged)
Date: May 16, 2010 11:55PM

Suppose that all of a firm’s managers are outperforming the benchmark, some by a little, some by a lot. If the confidence intervals for a quality control charts in portfolio management were widened, what would the most likely effect be?

A) Type I error would become more likely and Type II error would become more likely.

B) Type I error would become less likely and Type II error would become more likely.

C) Type I error would become more likely and Type II error would become less likely.

Can u please explain? thanks!

Question 2:

type I or II
Posted by: cfasf1 (IP Logged)
Date: May 5, 2009 12:09AM

Suppose that a portfolio management firm has decided that the costs of hiring and firing managers are excessive. Which of the following would be their most appropriate course of action? The firm should:
A) tolerate more Type I error to reduce Type II error.
B) reduce both Type I and Type II errors.
C) tolerate more Type II error to reduce Type I error.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Sunday, April 17, 2011 at 01:45AM by deriv108.

> I think "the confidence intervals for a quality
> control charts were widened" shall mean that the
> confidence intervals : e.g., changed from 90% to
> 80%, and the funnel-shaped lines of quality
> control charts be more far away from X-axis
> (horizontal line).
> Anyone else can confirm ?

Sounds good to me.


Another point to memorize:

The manager could be fired if his portfolio's returns are inside [or below] of the Quality Control Chart.

Can anyone tell why the QC chart is narrowing over time? I don't understand Schweser's explanation.


> Can anyone tell why the QC chart is narrowing over
> time? I don't understand Schweser's explanation.

Essentially mean-reversion. For a manager to show significant alpha, year after year, and never underperform (such as Madoff reported to have done) is statistically aberrant and should draw the attention of the SEC.


thanks, that helps.


alta168 Wrote:
> Sorry, I am confused. Refering to Question 1
> mentioned above & Exhibit 5 on P.176 of CFAI
> text,Vol6 :
> What is meant by "the confidence intervals for a
> quality control charts were widened" here ? Does
> it mean : the confidence interval is increased
> (e.g., from 80% to 90%) ? And in this case, will
> the funnel-shaped lines (upper/lower envelopes) of
> quality control charts be more far away from
> X-axis (horizontal line) ?

I think "the confidence intervals for a quality control charts were widened" shall mean that the confidence intervals : e.g., changed from 90% to 80%, and the funnel-shaped lines of quality control charts be more far away from X-axis (horizontal line).

Anyone else can confirm ?


relax appraisal criteria = reduce the standards = widen confidence interval.

so more chance of Type I errors...(more false positives).




Are B and A the correct answers ?


Yes. They can be found in AF.


AFers let us agree on one thing straight off the bat,
can be thrown out immediately. a reduction in one error type leads to an increase in the other ........................great so now we at 50% ............................a type 1 error is what happens at most firms, firms err on the side of caution and keep the bad with the good rather than losing a good manager (hiring costs and beauracracy also plays a part).................a type 2 error is when u fire anyone and everyone that shows any signs of weakness ( happened at enron i heard) so u risk throwing out good managers but get rid of most if not all bad managers.......................

so my final answer is B and A

Thanks again for posting this

