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Slowly freaking out

So, i'm busy with Schweser Mocks, and for some reason I just cant bring together everything that's in my head. I get to some questions and I just hit a wall.

I did the CFA EOC's and felt pretty good that I had most of the concepts down, but now it seems like it all just vanished. I'm going back to the readings and trying to absorb some more but at this point I feel like it's a lost cause.

Anyone else in the same boat or got some advice?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 04:17AM by Seraph14.

Im definitely freaking out :/ !



I studied the schweser notes, all boiled down to adequate preparation due to work commitments.


this is my third time taking the level 2 exam...I'm stressed


I only do one a day right now. I'm still working this week so I stick around after hours and hammer out the 60 and then review the rest of the night.


I'm leaving the EOC.

Just concentrate on Schweser practice tests. If you know 100% of the tests, then you should be good for the test.


just wondering how many 60-Q sets you guys do each day?

I am beat after 2 sets. I just use remaining time going over weak areas.


It's a good strategy. Just keep plugging and chugging and ironing out the questionable areas.

I'm just doing Schweser Practice Exams right now in halves. I'll do 60 questions, note my mistakes, review my corresponding noes and flashcards, and then do another half practice exam. Wash, rinse, repeat.

I'll sit down early next week and take the full mocks in what I would call simulated test taking conditions. After that I am going to do a heavy review of FSA & Ethics and lightly review everything else and any areas the mocks gave me.


Just read the options and swaps sections of derivatives again it and seems to be sticking now. Its the only section i wrote off but i figure i might as well try and get some of it down.

The strategy now is just to keep doing the mocks and reading the sections I need to reinforce. So im putting my chances down to Equity, FSA, Ethics, Corp Fin, Port Mngmt, Economics, hoping to iron out Quant and pick up one or two points from Derivative and FI.

Think I'll see where I stand Sunday evening and decide how next week plays out.

Your guys thoughts?


nogiveup Wrote:
> actually, i'm overwhelming. my wife decided to
> start the renovation of the house today and the
> contractors are working while i'm working from the
> basement. How do i survive for the last week
> before the exam?
go the library myfriend?

