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passed level II with Schweser ??

Hi guys,

Can those of you who passed Level II with Schweser let me know..
If other have an opinion it would be highly appreciated.


"your right........................

but not to be cocky...i was considered the smartest guy at my school"

yes yes i can see that


I passed level 2 by doing the readings from Schweser (except for the topics I found most challenging, for which I read both Schweser and CFAI) and the practice problems from both CFAI and Schweser. Ignoring the CFAI end of chapter questions would have been a mistake.


pimpineasy Wrote:
> the level 3 forum is a biased sample
> sport........that being said yeah its
> possible.......................

your right, it only tells me about those who passed and hides the fact that ten times as much might still be on Level II forum right...

but not to be cocky...i was considered the smartest guy at my school i am a hard worker, so if it seems some people can do it, it would be reasonable that I am one of them...

best of luck to all you level III's, remmber some guys are not gona make it, dont let that be you


What I noticed with a lot of colleagues who did the CFA exams is that the more knowledge/experience you have, the more shortcuts you can permit such as reading the Schweser notes. Also, passing level 1 with Schweser only is quite common but for level 2 and 3 much more difficult. So if I were you I would use Schweser only for topics you are familiar with.


the level 3 forum is a biased sample sport........that being said yeah its possible.......................


Passed L1 with old Schwesser books, barely.
L2 seemed like a joke with only Schwesser.
Got humbled trying the same strategy on L3.


get off the L3 forum, wannabe banker in IT


cfalover Wrote:
> I think you should do us all a favor and "suicide"
> yourself today. Now how's that for CFA cyber -
> bullying?
> I'm joking of course. Sort of. Do it.

I lol'd.

Anyhow, yes, I passed levels 1 + 2 first try with basically Schweser alone. Plan to do about a 90/10 split between Schweser and CFA, respectively, for level III.

Every body do not forget I can clear describe my case ; I am not crazy ! I talk the truth only.


But to be perfectly fair- I have also trespassed into the Level 3 forum as a Level 2-er and have also been knocked down for it. So I'm just passing on the torch.

Do it.

